Kumpulan Kata-kata Formal Bahasa Inggris

The connection words between sentences are required in order to make smooth writing style. Kata sambung antar kalimat sangat diperlukan untuk membuat tulisan yang mengalir dengan mulus.

  1. To the best of our knowledge,
  2. Without loss of generality,
  3. Otherwise,
  4. Recall that,
  5. However,
  6. Hence,
  7. Therefore,
  8. Thus,
  9. Since
  10. During
  11. This is because
  12. Motivated by
  13. Though
  14. Furthermore,
  15. In addition,
  16. To overcome this,
  17. Meanwhile,
  18. Note that
  19. It should be noted
  20. It should be noticed
  21. Finally,
  22. To above discussion,
  23. As mentioned above
  24. To this end,
  25. As a result,
  26. Given that
  27. More interestingly,
  28. Having
  29. As an initial use case,
  30. Based on
  31. Then,
  32. In contrast,
  33. This means
  34. In this respects,
  35. To better analyze
  36. On the other hand,
  37. According to above formulations,
  38. In particular,
  39. Additionally,
  40. Based on the above utility,
  41. In what follows,
  42. Given the
  43. Next,


Words used before the equations. Kata-kata baku sebelum persamaan.

  1. expressed by
  2. expressed as
  3. given by
  4. given as
  5. calculated as
  6. fields


The collection of standard or formal words for scientific writing style. Kata-kata baku formal untuk tulisan saintifik.

  1. have played a crucial role
  2. get > obtain
  3. do > conduct, perform
  4. enough > sufficient
  5. for the sake of simplicity
  6. namely
  7. outperforms