Kumpulan Kanji Jepang yang Sudah Dicari di Kamus

Dalam mempelajari kanji saya menggunakan 4 tools:

1. Kamus Kanji  Jepang – Indonesia by Primasari N. Dewi, S.S beli di Gramedia sebelum berangkat ke Jepang

2. Kamus Kanji Jed,  aplikasi android gratis

3. Google Translate, http://translate.google.com

4. Japanese Kanji Dictionary, http://www.saiga-jp.com/kanji_dictionary.html


Ada di windows explorer jika ingin menampilkan file dengan detail:

詳細 Shousai terdiri dari 2 kanji: shou + sai

詳 shou = well-informed, minute, accurate, full, detailed

細 sai = narrow, slender, dainty, taper, get thin

Jika digabung: 詳細 shousai = detail, particulars


Dapat tagihan listrik:


Denki Ryōkin Kōza furikae Kaishi No oshirase (Listrik Biaya Auto Debit Opening Notice)

Pemberitahuan Pembukaan Autodebit untuk Pembayaran Listrik

電 (Den)= electricity

気 (Ki) = mood, atmosphere, spirit, air, mind

Jika digabung 電気 (Denki) = electricity, (electric) light

料 (Ryou) = material, charge, rate, fee

金 (Kin) = gold

Jika digabung 料金 (Ryoukin) = fee, charge, fare

口 (Kou, Kuchi) = the mouth, lips, words, talk, speech, tongue, an opening, beginning, a door, one’s taste, one’s palate, a job, a share (counter suffix)

座 (Za) = sit, squat, seat, gathering, cushion, one place, position

Jika digabung 口座 (Kouza) = Account (e.g. bank)

振 (Fu, Furi) = wave, shake, swing, flourish, sprinkle, assign, refuse, prosper, exercise, pretense, postures, swing

替 (Ka, Kawa, Kae) = spare, per-, substitute, exchange, change, replace

Jika digabung menjadi 振替 (Furikae) = transfer (money), exchange

口座振替 (Kouza furikae) = account transfer, account transfer payment, direct debit

開 (Hira, Hiraki, Kai) = open, unseal, unfold, start, uncover, unroll, unpack, bloom, give, hold, develop, pioneer, be different

始((Hajime, Shi)= commence, begin, start, open, set in, date, originate, arise, the beginning, the opening

開始 (Kaishi) = start, commencement, beginning, initiation

の (No) = of, to, of the

お (o) = us, contact, your, get, you

知 (Chi, Tomo, Shi) = wisdom,  know, intelligence, intellect, become aware, understand, see, find, notice, be conscious, realize, learn, experience, tell, inform, notify, news, a notice, a report, information

ら (Ra) = from, they, these, et al.

せ (Se) = make, to, the, you, be

のお知らせ (No oshirase) = Announcement, notice.


Hari ini dapat surat 7 Nov 2012

拝 (Hai) = worship (menyembah)

啓 (Kei) =  enlighten, educate, illuminate, reveal

秋 (Aki) = autumn

冷 (Hiya) = cold

の (No) = off

侯 (Hou) = marquis

ま (Ma) = or

す (Su) = make

御 (O) = manage, handle, control, honorific language


拝啓 (Haikei) = Greetings
秋冷の (Shūrei no) = The autumnal chill, musim gugur yang dingin
侯 (Hō) = Lord
ますます (Masumasu) =Increasingly
御健 (O Ken) = Your health
勝のこととお (Shō no koto to o) = And that of your wins
慶ぶ (Yorokobi) =Joy, Congratulations
申し (Mōshi) = Say
上げます (Agemasu) = Raise


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Satu Balasan ke Kumpulan Kanji Jepang yang Sudah Dicari di Kamus

  1. Ping balik: Tulisan Tentang Ketika di Jepang Meliputi Kuliah S3, Kehidupan, dll | Menyambut Akhir Zaman

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